District Heating Enterprise Ltd.
Opata Hackiego 14 Street; 81-213 Gdynia, Poland
Phone: +48 58 627 38 01
District Heating Enterprise Ltd. (OPEC Gdynia) is a municipal company with 100% Polish ownership.
We operate in Pomeranian District in northern Poland, in Gdynia, Rumia, Kosakowo and Wejherowo. We provide heat to 60% customers in Gdynia, 50% customers in Wejherowo and 30% customers in Rumia.
Wejherowo w ponad 50% zasilane jest w ciepło, które pochodzi z własnego źródła. Na terenie miasta posiadamy ciepłownię węglową oraz elektrociepłownię gazową.
W Rumi nasi odbiorcy stanowią ponad 30%. Dzięki takiemu rozwiązaniu Rumia otrzymuje od OPEC ciepło nie posiadając na swoim terenie dużych jego źródeł.
Ma to pozytywny wpływ na ochronę środowiska tego miasta.
Contemporary civilization constantly poses new and ambitious challenges. Heat is our everyday life - its production, distribution and delivery to customers. With our recipients in mind, we develop modern technologies, implement innovative technical, IT and management solutions.
Ø production, distribution and supply of heat and electricity generated in cogeneration
Ø construction of heating networks
Ø operation of gas boiler rooms
Ø modernization and maintenance of heating networks and facilities
In addition to the current activity in the field of production, distribution and supply of heat to buildings, we also undertake a number of activities for the benefit of local communities.
Wejherowo w ponad 50% zasilane jest w ciepło, które pochodzi z własnego źródła. Na terenie miasta posiadamy ciepłownię węglową oraz elektrociepłownię gazową.
W Rumi nasi odbiorcy stanowią ponad 30%. Dzięki takiemu rozwiązaniu Rumia otrzymuje od OPEC ciepło nie posiadając na swoim terenie dużych jego źródeł.
Ma to pozytywny wpływ na ochronę środowiska tego miasta.
Operating in the vicinity of the Tricity
Landscape Park, we pay special attention to compliance with environmental
We are constantly involved in obtaining external funds (national, EU and other) for the modernization and development of heating infrastructure.
LowTEMP – Low Temperature District Heating for the Baltic Sea Region
District heating systems are widespread around the Baltic Sea but are often outdated. Future-oriented energy supply includes low temperature district heating systems that lose less heat and use renewable energy and waste as heat sources.
LowTEMP is intended for representatives of municipal authorities which are responsible for energy, heating companies, planners, engineers, district heating associations.
Project budget: EUR 3.8 million
Lead partner: Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences
Number of project partners: 19
OPEC’s involvement in LowTEMP project:
Project grant: 170 000 EUR
Pilot Case
The modernization of a boiler room in the kindergarten located in Rumia Leśna 4 Street was Pilot Case in LowTEMP Project and indicates the legitimacy of using this solution in other similar gas boiler houses in Rumia, Gdynia and Wejherowo.
The kindergarten is located away from the municipal heating network and there are currently no plans to connect it. Due to the need to optimize the consumption of heat supplied from local individual gas boiler room, a water-air heat pump powered by natural gas was designed and installed (as a support for existing installation). The heat is collected from the environment through lamella exchanger cooperating with the fan.
This system uses renewable energy. For the production of heating water up to 65 ℃, low-noise version of the device was chosen. System features such as low energy consumption, low operating costs and easy maintenance have increased the energy efficiency of the building.
After modernization, the efficiency of the system significantly exceeds 100%, and the estimated gas savings will reach 4,000 m3 /year, which automatically means a noticeable reduction in emissions to the atmosphere.
The project’s goal is to optimize heat management in the network, develop transnational cooperation methods and processes, exchange experience and knowledge. The specific objectives are: identification of implementation and development of DH management, digitization of DH distribution networks, development of methods for monitoring condition of DH network, training programs in DH management. BSAM will bring both: environmental benefits to the Baltic Sea region and more affordable heat for the customers through a more efficient use of existing resources (fuel and energy savings).
Total budget: 1 302 500 EUR
Lead partner: Linnaeus University, Sweden
Number of project partners: 7
OPEC’s involvement in BSAM project:
Project grant: 134 300 EUR